2012 Entire Meeting Document, Dec 13.
★JASFA members can download the days all of document
Date:Dec 13, 2012 (Thu)
General meeting : 13:30
Reception : 17:00
Place : City of Sendai silver center 6F 2nd training room
1.Opening address, lecture: Chairman Yasutaka Iguchi
・MOFIP and HOPE looks 2013
2.2012 JASFA activity report : Representative Director , Toshimitsu Ono
2013 schedule and subject
・japan-platform/employment-support-activity Business section, Nobuyuki Ono
・subsidies activity change plan for authorization company Tokyo office , Kenji Koizumi
・SIC supporting activity and KNI supporting employment Minami-kanto chief, Keiichiro Maeda
3.NITSC and JASFA business activity for lecture, vice chairman Yasuo Utsumi
・HOPE business organization and relation of JASFA activity
・ Relationship members speech
Makkah of photovoltaic generation technic training Eco-shift, Mikio Suetake
brought the smart device on the field ! Sato komuten, Atsushi sato
With the aim of skills-based Professor companies Oparts japan, Masato komura
With the aim of system-based professor companies Thinknetpro, Tadashi nomura
Protect the temporary meeting place in the heat exchange paint Sannou, Tsunemi Ebisawa
4.Proposal and business plan to the activities for 2013
・Report and comments from the outside member of Miyagi Prefecture.
new energy project on Hokkaido KITABA , Takashi Kaminaga
Environment project on Yamagata Built-green-japan, Masayuki Arai
・New energy business plan etc
Activity plan,question and answer for 2013
Generalization opinion from HOPE, Executive director Nobutoshi Sato
5.closing ZnO Labo, Teruo Yamada